Updated November 2019
The Town of Wytheville joined the HEAL Campaign in 2017 through the encouragement and enthusiasm of Mayor Dr. Beth Taylor. Shortly after joining the HEAL Campaign, the Town achieved Bronze Level recognition for implementing a Healthy Vending Policy for all vending municipal locations. The policy stipulated that all vending machines include at least fifty percent healthy snacks and drinks as defined by the USDA Competitive Food Standards.
The following year, the Town achieved Gold Level recognition for passing three new resolution goals. This included: 1) providing nutritious, free snacks to children every day at the municipal swimming pool; 2) creating marked walking trails and maps to promote a walkable downtown community; and 3) purchasing and installing exercise equipment along an existing walking path in a downtown community park.
Continuing to advance through the HEAL recognition system, the Town was awarded Platinum Level recognition at the 2019 Virginia Municipal League Conference. The Town achieved this status for its efforts integrating an interdepartmental approach to HEAL policies and practices, such as launching historic walking tours, free exercise classes, and health testing.
This past year, the Wytheville installed 10,000 linear feet of sidewalk to enhance walkability throughout the Town. Town officials continue to prioritize health and wellness by devoting time at every Council work session to discussion and review of the Town’s HEAL policy goals. The HEAL Campaign is excited to welcome one of our newest Platinum members – we’re looking forward to continuing to support the Town’s health and wellness initiatives. Wytheville Mayor, Dr. Beth Taylor, noted that “she is very pleased with the acceptance of the community and their willingness to be proactive about healthy lifestyles.”